No One Flies Around the Sun
A kind of nothing. A kind of nothing
And then blue. An imperfect, purpling rift
Where a lingering kind of nothing once
Was. Imagine. Now at this point feel free
To imagine as you will, as I age
I’ve begun to realize I don’t know
What you imagine, I guess what you feel
And have considered that my task in life,
But what you imagine, untied to me
In any way by word, thought, or music,
The childspace in you upgraded with some
Experience-cum-wisdom, imagine
From there and then follow your own journey
And then, when you return, meet me back here
At the beginning and end of all things,
Where a kind of nothing and then blue is,
The not-quite aubergine ripening there
As though in the beginning there was void,
Null, Nyx, Nox, nothingness, anything black,
The blue in the darkness coming from black,
This failure of the imagination.
We will fix it, somehow, all together,
Walking back the first light, the first blue rift,
The purple current under it, the red.
And what if we began there? The first blank
Canvas, the inert was, God’s boredom: red;
What your heart makes move. So move and be moved.
by Rowan Ricardo Phillips
Rest In Power 1942-2021
conceptually speaking
the dynamics of a bracketing
a signage of unknown signals
the announcement of the new renewed
in the space of a mindset and eye window
a glyph and a set of words as language
to another space outside of itself into
a larger mind, a textual bridge in
code for an imagined
shared space
for Lawrence Weiner 1942 -2021
of “The Text Generation” artists
(w/ Holzer, Kruger, Fend et al)
by Patrick Meagher